10 Inspirational Quotes Every UX Designer Should Read

Abhi Chatterjee
6 min readJun 17, 2023


10 Inspirational Quotes

Being a UX designer can be both challenging and rewarding. It requires a unique blend of creativity, problem-solving skills, and empathy for the end-user. At times, we all need a little inspiration to stay motivated and push our design boundaries. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 10 inspirational quotes that every UX designer should read. These quotes, from industry experts and thought leaders, offer valuable insights and reminders about the importance of user-centered design, simplicity, and the power of great work. So, grab a cup of coffee, take a moment to pause, and let these words of wisdom fuel your passion for creating exceptional user experiences.

“Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.”

— Joe Sparano

Joe Sparano’s quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of great design in the world of UX. It emphasizes the importance of simplicity and clarity, going beyond mere aesthetics. Great design seamlessly blends into users’ lives, guiding them towards their goals without any confusion. UX designers must prioritize functionality, usability, and intuitive interactions to create experiences that integrate effortlessly into users’ daily routines. By prioritizing user needs and expectations, designers can achieve more than just surface-level aesthetics and strive for design that is transparent, allowing users to engage effortlessly and benefit from their work.

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

— Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ quote emphasizes that design goes beyond appearances and focuses on functionality and user experience. While aesthetics are important, true design excellence lies in seamlessly integrating form and function. UX designers must prioritize usability, efficiency, and overall effectiveness to create experiences that not only look appealing but also provide a seamless and satisfying user journey. By embracing this perspective, designers can deliver exceptional user experiences that resonate with their audience.

“User experience is everything. It always has been, but it’s undervalued and underinvested in. If you don’t know user-centered design, study it. Hire people who know it. Obsess over it. Live and breathe it. Get your whole company on board.”

— Evan Williams

Evan Williams’ quote emphasizes the immense significance of user experience (UX) and the need for UX designers to prioritize user-centered design. UX encompasses every interaction a user has with a product or service and is often undervalued and underinvested in. To excel in UX, designers must continuously learn and surround themselves with like-minded professionals who prioritize delivering exceptional user experiences. It is crucial to foster a company-wide culture that recognizes the value of UX and involves colleagues and stakeholders in putting users at the forefront of design decisions. By championing user-centered design and advocating for its importance, designers can create transformative experiences that prioritize user needs and satisfaction.

“Design is intelligence made visible.”

— Alina Wheeler

Evan Williams’ quote emphasizes the immense significance of user experience (UX) and the need for UX designers to prioritize user-centered design. UX encompasses every interaction a user has with a product or service and is often undervalued and underinvested in. To excel in UX, designers must continuously learn and surround themselves with like-minded professionals who prioritize delivering exceptional user experiences. It is crucial to foster a company-wide culture that recognizes the value of UX and involves colleagues and stakeholders in putting users at the forefront of design decisions. By championing user-centered design and advocating for its importance, designers can create transformative experiences that prioritize user needs and satisfaction.

“Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.”

— John Maeda

John Maeda’s quote captures the essence of simplicity in UX design. It reminds designers that simplicity is about creating focused, intuitive, and meaningful experiences for users. By subtracting unnecessary complexities and distractions while incorporating elements that provide value and clarity, designers can create impactful and resonant user experiences. Simplicity goes beyond minimalism and requires a deep understanding of user needs to distill complex concepts into straightforward interactions. By embracing simplicity, designers can create elegant and powerful experiences that leave a lasting impact on users.

“The details are not the details. They make the design.”

— Charles Eames

Charles Eames’ quote emphasizes the significance of paying attention to details in UX design. It reminds designers that even the smallest elements can significantly impact the overall user experience. By meticulously refining and purposefully crafting each detail, designers can elevate the quality and cohesiveness of their designs, creating exceptional and polished experiences that leave a lasting impression on users. This quote serves as a reminder to prioritize the careful consideration and craftsmanship of details, recognizing their crucial role in shaping user perceptions and interactions.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

— Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ quote emphasizes the importance of finding fulfillment and satisfaction in UX design. It serves as a reminder for designers to pursue their passion and strive for greatness. When designers love what they do and align it with their purpose, it becomes a driving force for creating exceptional work. By embracing their work wholeheartedly, designers unlock their creative potential and consistently deliver outstanding user experiences. This quote encourages reflection on career choices and the pursuit of work that brings joy and inspiration. Let passion guide you as a UX designer, believe in the impact of your designs, and strive to create remarkable experiences for users.

“Design is not just what it looks like. Design is how it works.”

— Dieter Rams

Dieter Rams’ quote reminds UX designers that design encompasses more than aesthetics. It emphasizes the importance of functionality and usability, urging designers to prioritize the user experience. True design excellence lies in the seamless integration of form and function, creating experiences that are visually appealing, intuitive, and efficient. By focusing on how designs work and enabling effortless navigation and goal achievement, designers can craft meaningful and impactful experiences. This quote inspires designers to prioritize functionality and usability, recognizing that design goes beyond surface-level appearances. By embracing this philosophy, designers can create user-centered experiences that resonate with their audience, ultimately delivering practical and transformative designs.

“The user’s going to pick dancing pigs over security every time.”

— Bruce Schneier

Bruce Schneier’s quote reminds UX designers that users often prioritize novelty or entertainment over security. While security is crucial, designers must find a balance between providing a secure experience and offering engaging features. By understanding and catering to users’ preferences, designers can create experiences that address their needs while promoting safety. It encourages designers to be mindful of users’ perspectives, finding innovative solutions that prioritize security without sacrificing the user experience. Ultimately, the goal is to design experiences that provide security measures while engaging and satisfying users, striking a balance between their enjoyment and protection.

“Design is where science and art break even.”

— Robin Mathew

Robin Mathew’s quote captures the essence of design as a harmonious blend of science and art. It emphasizes that design is not solely driven by analytical reasoning or pure creativity but exists at the intersection where these two disciplines converge. Design requires a scientific approach rooted in understanding user behavior and data-driven insights, as well as artistic expression and creativity to craft visually appealing and emotionally resonant experiences. By embracing this balance, UX designers can create impactful solutions that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, capturing attention, engaging users, and solving problems effectively. Remember to find the equilibrium between science and art in your designs, allowing them to complement and enhance one another, resulting in designs that meet user needs, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impact.

In conclusion, these inspirational quotes serve as guiding principles for UX designers, reminding us of the core values and principles that drive our work. They emphasize the importance of prioritizing the user experience, continuously learning and adapting, and striving for greatness. These quotes inspire us to pay attention to the details, advocate for user-centered design, and foster a culture that values UX. As UX designers, we have the power to shape experiences, solve problems, and make a positive impact. Let these quotes be constant reminders of our purpose and passion, driving us to push boundaries, think differently, and create delightful experiences that resonate with our users.

If I’ve missed any useful tips, I’d appreciate your comments to discuss and add them to the list.

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Abhi Chatterjee

UX Designer at Dubai Municipality specialised in User research & Interaction Design