Nestasia Mobile App Designing

Abhi Chatterjee
13 min readSep 29, 2023




Create a prototype for Nestasia’s new app, that should include the following deliverables:

  1. Splash screen
  2. Sign in page
  3. Sign up page
  4. Home screen


  1. Use lorem ipsum for body text when required.
  2. You can use home décor images from any outsourced sites such as pexel, unsplash etc.
  3. Please present the entire brainstorming process while submitting your assignment.

Secondary research

Secondary research involves the collection and analysis of existing data and information, often gathered from sources such as books, articles, reports, and databases, to inform a research project or gain insights without conducting new primary research.

Secondary research
Secondary research

Company background

Brand Overview:

  • Leading home decor and lifestyle brand in India.
  • Offers a wide range of products including dinnerware, cookware, drinkware, cutlery, planters, vases, wall art and more.
  • Known for high-quality, stylish, and affordable products.

Founding and Growth:

  • Aditi Murarka and Anurag Agrawal started Nestasia in 2019.
  • Rapid growth with a loyal customer base in India and abroad.

Product Excellence:

  • Products designed to be both functional and beautiful.
  • Crafted using finest materials and craftsmanship.
  • Exclusive product offerings.

Customer-Centric Approach:

  • Committed to providing a superior shopping experience.
  • Offers online shopping, offline stores, and social media shopping.
  • Free shipping on orders above a certain amount.
  • Easy returns and exchanges.

Trusted Brand:

  • Trusted and reliable brand for home decor needs.
  • Caters to various home decor styles.

5 Ws

  • Who: Nestasia is a leading home decor and lifestyle brand in India.
  • What: Nestasia offers a wide range of home décor products, including dinnerware, cookware, drinkware, cutlery, planters, vases, wall art, and more.
  • When: Nestasia was founded in 2019 and is headquartered in Kolkata, India.
  • Where: Nestasia products are available online and in offline stores in India and abroad.
  • Why: Nestasia is committed to providing its customers with a wide range of high-quality, stylish, and affordable home décor products.

Target audience

  • Home décor enthusiasts: People who love to decorate their homes and are always looking for new and stylish products.
  • Budget-conscious shoppers: People who are looking for high-quality home décor products at affordable prices.
  • Millennials and Gen Z: These generations are more likely to shop online and are more interested in unique and stylish home décor products.
  • Families: Nestasia offers a wide range of products that are perfect for families, such as dinnerware, cookware, and drinkware.
  • Professionals: Nestasia also offers a wide range of products that are perfect for professional spaces, such as planters, vases, and wall art.

Overall, Nestasia’s target audience is anyone who is looking for high-quality, stylish, and affordable home décor products.

Business model

Business Model:

  • Direct-to-consumer (D2C) sales.
  • Sells through its website, other websites and select offline retail partners.
  • Sources products from domestic and international suppliers.
  • Has an in-house design team for product development.

Key Differentiators:

  • High-quality products at competitive prices.
  • Wide range of home decor items.
  • Exclusive products unavailable elsewhere.
  • Superior shopping experience:
  • Online, offline and social media shopping.
  • Free shipping above a certain order amount.
  • Easy returns and exchanges.

Overall Focus:

  • Offering high-quality, stylish, and affordable home decor products.
  • Ensuring a superior shopping experience for customers.

Primary research

Primary research is the process of gathering original data directly from individuals or sources through methods like surveys, interviews, observations, or experiments for specific research objectives or inquiries.

Primary research
Primary research

Nestasia User Survey


Nestasia User Survey

You check the google form here.


Nestasia User Survey Responses

You can check excel sheets here.

Home Decor Mobile App User Survey — India


Home Decor Mobile App User Survey — India — Questions

You can check google form here.


Home Decor Mobile App User Survey — India — Responses

You can check the excel sheets here.

Home Centre competitive analysis

Home Centre
Home Centre


  1. Wide Product Range: The app offers a broad selection of home decor and furniture products, catering to diverse customer preferences.
  2. Established Brand: Home Centre is a well-known brand in India and the Middle East, which can attract loyal customers to its app.
  3. Physical Presence: The app can leverage the presence of physical Home Centre stores to offer omnichannel services, such as in-store pickup and returns.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface can enhance the shopping experience and encourage users to explore and make purchases.
  5. Personalization: By analyzing user data, the app can offer personalized product recommendations, improving the chances of sales.


  1. Competition: The home decor and furniture market is highly competitive, with both local and international players. The app needs to stand out to maintain its market share.
  2. Technical Issues: Like any app, technical glitches can occur, affecting the user experience and potentially driving users away.
  3. Limited International Presence: While Home Centre has a strong presence in India and the Middle East, its app may not be as effective for users in regions where the brand is less known.
  4. Delivery Challenges: The app may face challenges related to timely delivery and quality control, which can lead to customer dissatisfaction.


  1. E-commerce Growth: The increasing popularity of online shopping provides an opportunity for the Home Centre app to reach a broader customer base.
  2. Expanding Product Categories: Home Centre can explore expanding its product categories beyond furniture and decor to include complementary items like home appliances and kitchenware.
  3. International Expansion: The app can target international markets where there is a demand for Indian-inspired home decor and furniture.
  4. Enhanced Mobile Features: By continually improving the app’s features, such as virtual room visualization and AR capabilities, Home Centre can offer a more engaging shopping experience.


  1. Competitor Pressure: Intense competition from e-commerce giants like Amazon, Flipkart, and local competitors could pose a threat to market share.
  2. Economic Downturn: Economic fluctuations can impact consumer spending on non-essential items like home decor and furniture.
  3. Supply Chain Disruptions: Disruptions in the supply chain, such as those seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, can affect product availability and delivery times.
  4. Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifts in consumer preferences and trends may require Home Centre to adapt its product offerings and marketing strategies.
  5. Cybersecurity Risks: Data breaches and cybersecurity threats can damage the app’s reputation and erode customer trust.

Pepperfry competitive analysis

Pepperfry competitive analysis
Pepperfry competitive analysis


  1. Extensive Product Range: The app offers a vast selection of furniture and home decor products, providing customers with a wide variety of choices.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Pepperfry’s app is known for its intuitive and easy-to-navigate design, enhancing the overall user experience.
  3. Exclusive Designs: Pepperfry collaborates with various designers and brands to offer exclusive and unique furniture and decor items.
  4. Virtual Room Planning: The app provides a virtual room planner feature, allowing users to visualize how products will look in their homes before making a purchase.
  5. Customer Reviews and Ratings: Real user reviews and ratings provide transparency and help customers make informed decisions.


  1. Price Sensitivity: Some customers may find Pepperfry’s prices relatively higher compared to competitors, which can affect purchase decisions.
  2. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality of products sold by various sellers on the platform can be a challenge, and inconsistent quality may lead to customer dissatisfaction.
  3. Delivery and Returns: Delays in delivery or issues with returns can result in negative customer experiences and reviews.
  4. Competition: The online furniture and home decor market in India is highly competitive, with many players vying for market share.


  1. Expanding Product Categories: Pepperfry can diversify its product offerings to include more home-related categories, such as appliances, kitchenware, and home improvement items.
  2. International Expansion: Expanding into international markets can provide access to a broader customer base, especially in regions with a growing interest in Indian-style home decor.
  3. Sustainability: Catering to the increasing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products in the home decor sector can be a significant opportunity.
  4. Augmented Reality (AR) Integration: Enhancing the app with AR features can allow customers to virtually place furniture and decor in their homes, improving the online shopping experience.


  1. Competitive Market: Pepperfry faces stiff competition from other e-commerce giants, specialized furniture stores, and emerging startups.
  2. Economic Volatility: Economic downturns or fluctuations can impact consumer spending on non-essential items like furniture and decor.
  3. Supply Chain Disruptions: Any disruptions in the supply chain, such as those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, can affect product availability and delivery times.
  4. Counterfeit Products: Ensuring that products sold on the platform are genuine and not counterfeit is crucial to maintaining trust among customers.
  5. Cybersecurity Risks: Data breaches and cybersecurity threats can harm the app’s reputation and customer trust.

Livspace competitive analysis

Livspace competitive analysis
Livspace competitive analysis


  1. End-to-End Home Solutions: Livspace offers a comprehensive range of services, including interior design, renovation, and furniture shopping, making it a one-stop solution for homeowners.
  2. Professional Design Services: Livspace connects users with professional interior designers, ensuring high-quality design services tailored to individual preferences.
  3. Customization: The app allows users to customize furniture and decor items to meet their specific needs and style preferences.
  4. Virtual Home Design: Livspace offers a 3D design tool that enables users to visualize their home designs before making decisions.
  5. Quality Assurance: Livspace ensures the quality of products and services offered on its platform, enhancing customer trust.


  1. Price Sensitivity: Livspace’s premium design services and furniture offerings may not be affordable for budget-conscious customers.
  2. Limited Geographic Presence: The platform’s services are primarily available in select Indian cities, limiting its reach.
  3. Complexity: The app’s extensive features and customization options can be overwhelming for users looking for simple solutions.


  1. Expansion: Livspace can expand its services to reach a broader customer base, both within India and potentially in international markets.
  2. Sustainability: Catering to the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly home solutions can be a significant opportunity.
  3. Online Community: Building an online community or forum where users can share their home improvement journeys and experiences can enhance user engagement.


  1. Competition: Livspace faces competition from other interior design firms, online furniture stores, and home improvement platforms.
  2. Economic Fluctuations: Economic downturns can impact consumer spending on home renovation and interior design services.
  3. Supply Chain Disruptions: Any disruptions in the supply chain, such as those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, can affect product availability and project timelines.
  4. Regulatory Challenges: Changes in regulations related to the interior design and construction industry can pose challenges for the platform.
  5. Customer Expectations: Meeting and exceeding customer expectations for design quality and project execution is crucial to maintaining a positive reputation.


To define is to provide a clear and precise explanation or description of a concept, term, or idea, typically to establish its meaning or scope.


Customer demographics information

  • Age: Primarily 25 to 45 years old.
  • Gender: Evenly split between males and females.
  • Income: Varied, from middle class to upper class.
  • Occupation: Attractive to professionals and families.
  • Location: Primarily in India, with global online and offline availability.

Customer psychographic information


  • Home decor
  • Interior design
  • Lifestyle
  • Finding high-quality, affordable products


  • Quality
  • Style
  • Affordability
  • Convenience
  • Customer service


  • Busy professionals
  • Families
  • Seek stylish and functional home decor products

Customer mental models

Home Decor Expert:

  • Views Nestasia as a brand knowledgeable about the latest home decor trends.
  • Expects a wide range of products for creating stylish and functional homes.


  • Sees Nestasia as a provider of high-quality, affordable products.
  • Values the brand for offering good value for money.


  • Appreciates Nestasia’s various shopping options: online, offline and social media.


  • Trusts Nestasia’s reputation for quality products and customer service.


  • Believes Nestasia’s products can help achieve desired aesthetics and create a beloved home.

Diverse Mental Models:

  • Customers may have different mental models based on their specific needs and interests.

Social Influence:

  • Recommendations from friends and family can shape their mental models.

Evolution Over Time:

  • Mental models may become more nuanced as customers become more familiar with the brand.

Research for Understanding:

  • Conducting customer research, such as surveys and focus groups, can help Nestasia understand and align with these mental models.

Customers affordance

Product Design:

  • Products designed for ease of use with clear instructions and illustrations.

Online Shopping:

  • User-friendly mobile app for easy product search and a quick checkout process.

Customer Service:

  • Availability through various channels (phone, email, social media) for assistance.

Cultural Influence:

  • Affordance can vary across cultures.

Individual Factors:

  • Age, experience, and abilities influence affordance perceptions.

Design Strategies:

  • Clear language, visual cues (icons, buttons) used to enhance usability.

User persona

Primary persona

Primary persona 1
Primary persona 1
Primary persona 2
Primary persona 2

Secondary persona

Secondary persona 1
Secondary persona 2

You can check the figma file here.

Empathy mapping

Please be aware that I am mostly concentrating on the primary persona to finish their empathy map.

Sarah empathy mapping
Sarah empathy mapping
Rahul empathy mapping
Rahul empathy mapping

You can find the figma file here


Ideate refers to the creative process of generating and developing ideas, often in a collaborative setting, to explore various solutions, concepts, or innovations for a particular problem or design challenge.


HMW (How might we)

HMW (How might we)
HMW (How might we)

You can find the figma file here.

User journey

User journey

You can find the figma file here.



You can check the figjam file here.

Home screen content strategy

Logo and navigation:

  • Nestasia’s logo at the top-left corner.
  • Navigation menu with options like “Categories,” “Search,” “Cart,” and “Profile” at the top-right corner.

Hero banner

  • A visually striking image carousel showcasing the latest or featured home decor products.
  • Captivating images that highlight the variety, style, and quality of Nestasia’s offerings.
  • Prominent call-to-action (CTA) buttons, such as “Shop Now” or “Explore Trends.”

Trending products:

  • A section featuring trending or popular home decor products.
  • High-quality images and brief descriptions.
  • CTA buttons for quick shopping.

Exclusive collections:

  • Highlight exclusive collections or collaborations, if available.
  • Showcase limited-edition or unique items.
  • Emphasize the exclusivity of Nestasia’s offerings.

Personalized recommendations:

  • For Sarah, display personalized product recommendations based on her design preferences and past purchases.
  • For Rahul, offer recommendations based on his budget-conscious preferences.

Category tiles:

  • Display tiles representing different home decor categories (e.g., Furniture, Kitchenware, Wall Art).
  • Each tile includes an image and category name.
  • Clicking on a tile takes users to the respective category page.

Deals and discounts:

  • Highlight special deals, discounts, or promotions.
  • Include eye-catching banners with details about ongoing sales.
  • Encourage users to explore discounted products.

User benefits:

  • Highlight key benefits for users, such as “Free Shipping on Orders Over $XX” and “Easy Returns.”
  • Build trust and communicate the value of shopping with Nestasia.

Social media links:

  • Icons or links to Nestasia’s social media profiles for users interested in following updates and trends.

Bottom navigation bar:

  • Include the previously mentioned bottom navigation bar with icons and labels for “Home,” “Categories,” “Search,” “Cart,” “Profile,” and potentially “More” (optional).


A wireframe is a simplified visual representation or outline of a webpage, app, or interface, used to plan and communicate the layout, structure, and functionality of a digital product without focusing on design details.


Onboarding screens

Onboarding screens
Onboarding screens

Please check the figma file here.

Login screens

Login screens

Signup screens

Signup screens

You can check the figma file here.

Home page

New user
Existing user
Home screen

You can check the figma file here.


A prototype is a preliminary or early version of a product or system used for testing, validation, and improvement before creating the final version. It helps designers and developers visualize ideas and identify potential issues.

Nestasia prototypes

You can check the prototypes here.

Visual Design

Visual design involves the creation of aesthetically appealing and cohesive visual elements within a product or interface, encompassing aspects like color, typography, imagery, and layout to enhance the user experience and convey a desired message or brand identity.

Visual Design
Visual Design

You can check the figma file here.

Thank you



Abhi Chatterjee

UX Designer at Dubai Municipality specialised in User research & Interaction Design